Tag Archives: SSO Stat!
Our managed SSO service, SSO stat!, includes much more than just SSO implementation and fixing any problems directly related to SSO as soon as they occur. It also covers consulting for any question or issue related to authentication. as well … Continue reading
I’ve got good news for you. The best technology for implementing SSO — Kerberos — is something that your organization probably already owns. If you want to understand why Kerberos is a great technology on which to build your Single … Continue reading
In a previous post on this topic, I discussed how to calculate the cost of a security-related project and how to compare different solutions for a given security-related project or issue. I asserted that there are three different aspects that … Continue reading
I didn’t come up with the idea for a managed single sign-on (SSO) service. A customer did. When Botz & Associates started security consulting, only infrequently would companies request help implementing SSO. I always wondered why more companies weren’t using … Continue reading
On October 7th IBM Systems Magazine hosted my webcast, How to Achieve SSO in a Day: Eliminate passwords and be an IT hero. I was very happy to see the large number of people who registered, attended, and stayed online until … Continue reading
The new IBM i 7.2 release brings several security-related enhancements. Two of them are the ability to use SSO from an IBM i green screen to a remote Telnet or FTP server that also supports Kerberos.
Recently I’ve written several blog posts about biometric authentication in IT Shops (see “Target Attack Leads to Discussion of Biometric Authentication“, “IT Shop Requirements for Exploiting Biometrics“, “Biometrics and SSO“). This post discusses a couple of secondary factors.
In a recent post I noted that the Target breach once again raised the idea of biometric authentication as means of improving the protection of corporate data. Yet for all of its benefits, adoption of biometric authentication within the IT … Continue reading
Thanks everyone that provided feedback on the whitepaper! An updated version of the whitepaper is now available on the website under “Downloads”. If you find/found it useful or interesting please send a link to your friends and colleagues! Thanks again.